Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

That Unforgettable Advertisement

Hi dear readers. 
How in the world do you feel this week?
Well, you can answer that question on the comment or send it to my email dindacs04@gmail.com (Hi!).

      Well well well, this week’s topic is about advertisement. There are quite many so called “technics” for advertising products. The advertisement can be seen as information, status, peer approval, physical attraction to others, hero endorsement, entertainment, intelligence, independent, and unfinished comparison. Beside that Commonly Used Technic, there is also Sales Techniques that advertisement can be seen as guarantees, scarcity, perceptual, contrast, scientific or numerical claims, and negative option. After that, there comes Unethical Technics. They are called “bait and switch”, supermarket specials, exploitation of fears and misgivings, and out-of-context quotations.

      Now, I want to analyze one advertisement that have been living in my head quite long because of its particular characteristic. It is so funny that it gets me remember the advertisement for 5 years. Here are the videos:

Version 1

Version 2

       In that video, there was a vase of someone fell down near a canal. There were 3 guys standing and the first guy tried to reach for the vase, but it was somehow difficult because of the distance from ground they stood; to ground near the canal. Unfortunately, second guy saw a big weaver ant on the hand of first guy, then he tried to slap the ant. Out of surprise, first guy lost his balance and tried to hold on second guy’s long hair. Second guy, who was also about to lose his own balance, tried to hold on third guy’s short pant. LOL. At that very moment, those guys laughed hard at each other and there come a meaningful yet funny words at the end of that ad. It said “Friend can always be the grasp.”

       The technique used in that ad is definitely entertainment. However, no matter how much do I like the ad, I can never buy the product advertised. Why? Because the product is cigarette. I don’t consume those stuff (No offense, I just don’t like the smoke from burning cigarettes, it makes me coughing.) So, yeah, that advertisement, not only that it was pretty funny, but it was also an impressive idea about how to make potential buyers attracted. Oh, how I miss the ad now that it does not there anymore on the TV, long time gone, I guess. Hm, so, how about you readers? Do you also have an advertisement that caught your attention for a long time? Share here for sharing!

Best of Luck!

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