Minggu, 03 April 2016

Buy A Home

Hi, readers.

If you want to buy a home, you’ll need to consider several items you want to own from home you choose to buy. First of all, you can start with considering the exterior facilities. For example, you want a fountain filled with fishes. It must be wonderful to sit on the fountain, looking at the fishes, and hearing the sound of flowing water from the fountain after hard and busy days. Second, consider exterior construction. For me, I want good-quality green weeds, pine trees, and some colorful roses in the garden, surrounded by small white wooden fence. Wow! The home will look like a heaven with such exterior!

Third, consider interior construction. For example if you want to have a kitchen like me, because I love cooking and trying new receipts. Of course, you can make a list of rooms which you want-it-to-be-there in your new home.  Fourth, consider the interior design. For me, a green-painted wall, good lighting, and one thing that is the most important thing I want to be in my kitchen, is a wide window. Oh My God, I’d love to have window in the kitchen since I’d probably spend most of my time cooking in the future (chuckles) and I need a window since I love looking at outdoor stuffs. Like when it is a shiny day and I can see the sun shine brightly. When it is cloudy day, then there’ll be clouds all over the sky. When it is a rainy day, there’ll be huge clouds darkening the sky while it’s raining, and maybe, a rainbow to be gazed at after the heavy rain. Whew. I am sure I will mostly stay at home for the rest of my life!

Now, after all the considerations, here are the questions you need to answer. When to buy home? For me, I‘d like to buy a home after I am financially independent and I have a stable payment or job(s). Where is the location of the home? Again, for me, I’ll likely find location by contacting people related on real-estate or a trusted buyer’s agent. Will you buy the home by cash or mortgage? If it is me, I will go along with my condition in the future. If I can pay in cash, then I’ll gladly pay in cash rather than paying monthly. That is because I don’t like the interest when I have to pay monthly. But if the condition is that I don’t have the cash on the moment, then obviously I will just pay monthly even though I don’t like to pay for the interest (haha).

Thanks for reading!

Best of luck readers J

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