Sabtu, 21 Mei 2016

What Should You Do: Save or Invest ?!

Hello dear readers!
Time for Saving and Investment!!

Well, logically, whether it is to save or it is to invest, we kind of need to have some unused money.
Alrighty then..... so,,, how much can you.. "save"? 

    You can buy two fast food meals or one movie ticket or save seven dollars or ninety thousand rupiahs this week. You can buy two small cheese pizzas or one large pepperoni pizza, delivered or one new CD or save fourteen dollars or one hundred eighty thousand rupiahs this week. You can do shopping or you can save your money. It is up to you. But if only you choose to save your money each week at 5% interest rate in 10 years, you’ll have Rp.61.360.000,00 (sixty-one million three hundred sixty thousand rupiahs), if you save ninety thousand rupiahs this week, and double the number if you save one hundred eighty thousand rupiahs this week. 
The question is what can you give up to save for your financial goals? For every goal, there will be things to be sacrificed.

      Assuming you now have a lot of money saved. You might automatically think about opening an account. It is better if you open a checking account if you regularly take money from it. But it is better if you open a saving account if you don't regularly take money you save in the bank because the interest of saving account is higher than of checking account. Yet, if you open a saving account and then you regularly take money from it, your account will automatically turn into checking account (noted :) ).

    Now, there are Major Types of Savings Accounts: first, Regular Savings Account, second, Money-Market Account, third, Transactional Account (Deposit), and fourth, Time Deposit (Bonds).
    Firstly, we are going to talk about regular saving account. If you open a regular savings account, you can receive information about your transaction thru: Passbook Account in which you receives a booklet in which deposits, withdrawals, and interest are recorded, you have average interest rate that is lower at banks and savings and loans than at credit unions, and the funds are easily accessible. You also can choose to have Statement Account, which basically the same as a passbook account, except depositor receives monthly statements instead of a passbook, the accounts are usually accessible through 24-hour automated teller machines (ATM), the interest rates are the same as passbook account, and the funds are easily accessible.
   Basicallya regular savings account are an Interest-earning Checking Account, which combines benefits of checking and savings, and you can earn interest on any unused money in your account.

    Secondly, about Money-Market Account. Money-Market Account is a Checking or savings account. Its interest rate paid built on a complex structure that varies with size of balance and current level of market interest rates. You can access your money from an ATM, a teller, or by writing up to three checks a month. The Benefits of having a Money-Market Account is an immediate access to your money. To have a Money-Market Account, you need to fulfil some conditions called the trade-offs. The bank will usually requires a minimum balance of $1,000 (One thousand dollars or around thirteen million rupiahs to $2,500 (two thousand five hundred dollars or around thirty two million five hundred thousand rupiahs), you can only write limited number of checks each month, and your average yield (rate of return) will be higher than regular savings accounts.

    Thirdly, about certificates of deposit (CDs)Having certificates of deposit (CDs) means you’ll get the bank pays a fixed amount of interest for a fixed amount of money you saved during a fixed amount of time. Benefits of certificates of deposit (CDs) are no risk of losing your money, the way it works is pretty simple, there is no additional fees, and it offers higher interest rates than savings accounts. Its trade-offs are it is a Restricted access to your money, and if you withdraw money before expiration date, you’ll get penalty (penalty might be higher than the interest earned). There are types of Certificates Of Deposit, first, Rising-rate CDs with higher rates at various intervals, such as every six months. Second, Stock-indexed CDs with earnings based on the stock market. Third, Callable CDs with higher rates and long-term maturities, as high as 10–15 years. However, the bank may “call” the account after a stipulated period, such as one or two years, if interest rates drop. Fourth, Global CDs that combine higher interest with a hedge on future changes in the dollar compared to other currencies. Fifth, Promotional CDs that attempt to attract savers with gifts or special rates.

    Fourthly, Time deposit or bonds. A bond is an “IOU,” certifying that you loaned money to a government or corporation and outlining the terms of repayment. Buyer may purchase bond at a discount. The bond has a fixed interest rate for a fixed period of time. When the time is up, the bond is said to have “matured” and the buyer may redeem the bond for the full face value. There are Types of bonds, first, Corporate bond. It is sold by private companies to raise money and if company goes bankrupt, bondholders have first claim to the assets, before stockholders. Second, Municipal bond. It is issued by any non-federal government and its interest paid comes from taxes or from revenues from special projects. Earned interest is exempt from federal income tax. Third, Federal government bond, it is the safest investment you can make, because even if U.S. government goes bankrupt, it is obligated for them to repay bonds.


Look at that pyramid! It describes how investment works.
    But,,, we are talking about several kinds of investment here. We know that investing means allocating money (or sometimes another resource, such as TIME) in the expectation of some benefit in the future. There are ways to invest that we are going to talk here: first, Mutual funds, second, Stocks, third, Real Estate, and fourth, Retirement Plans.
     Firstly, mutual funds. It is a professionally managed portfolios made up of stocks, bonds, and other investments. The way mutual funds work is that individuals have to buy shares, and fund uses money to purchase stocks, bonds, and other investments and then profits will returned to shareholders monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually in the form of dividends. The advantage of having mutual funds is that it allows small investors to take advantage of professional account management and diversification normally only available to large investors. There are Types of Mutual Funds: First, Balanced Fund that includes a variety of stocks and bonds. Second, Global Bond Fund that has corporate bonds of companies from around the world. Third, Global Stock Fund that has stocks from companies in many parts of the world. Fourth, Growth Fund that emphasizes companies that are expected to increase in value; also has higher risk. Fifth, Income Fund that features stocks and bonds with high dividends and interest. Sixth, Industry Fund that invests in stocks of companies in a single industry (such as technology, health care, banking). Seventh, Municipal Bond Fund that features debt instruments of state and local governments. Eighth, Regional Stock Fund that involves stocks of companies from one geographic region of the world (such as Asia or Latin America).

     Secondly, Stocks. Stock represents ownership of a corporation. Stockholders own a share of the company and are entitled to a share of the profits as well as a vote in how the company is run. Earnings are made from: company profits. It is divided among shareholders in the form of dividends. Dividends are usually paid quarterly and larger profits can be made through an increase in the value of the stock on the open market. The Advantages are if the market value goes up, the gain can be considerable and money from stock is easily accessible. The disadvantages are that if market value goes down, the loss can be considerable, and selecting and managing stock often requires study and the help of a good brokerage firm.

    Thirdly, real estate. The ways to invest are to: Buy a house, live in it, and sell it later at a profit; Buy income property (such as an apartment house or a commercial building) and rent it; or Buy land and hold it until it rises in value. Advantage of real estate is an excellent protection against inflation. The disadvantages are that it can be difficult to convert into cash and it needs a specialized type of investment requiring study and knowledge of business. If you do invest, you can have capital gains: that is the profits from the sale of a capital asset such as stocks, bonds, or real estate. 

      These profits are tax-deferred; you do not have to pay the tax on these profits until the asset is sold. Long-term capital gains occur on investments held more than 12 months. Short-term capital gains occur on investments held less than 12 months.

    Fourthly, retirement plans. It is the Plans that help individuals set aside money to be used after they retire. Its federal income tax will not immediately due on money put into a retirement account, or on the interest it makes. There will be income tax paid when money is withdrawn and penalty charges apply if money is withdrawn before retirement age, except under certain circumstances. Because income after retirement is usually lower, so tax rate is lower. 

    These are types of retirement plans: first, Individual Retirement Account (IRA). It allows a person to contribute up to $5,000 (five thousand rupiahs or sixty five million rupiahs) of pre-tax earnings per year. Contributions can be made in installments or in a lump sum. Second, Roth IRA (also called the IRA Plus). While the $5,000 annual contribution to this plan is not tax-deductible, the earnings on the account are tax-free after five years. The funds from the Roth IRA may be withdrawn after age 59, if the account owner is disabled, for educational expenses, or for the purchase of a first home. Third, 401(k) (four hundred and one) that allows a person to contribute to a savings plan from his or her pre-tax earnings, reducing the amount of tax that must be paid. Employer matches contributions up to a certain level, and fourth, Keogh plan that allows a self-employed person to set aside up to 15% of income (but not more than $35,000 per year).

Hopefully that table above is understandable and can be a help for you to choose between saving or investing,, or maybe both?

So, what should you choose? Maybe this is the answer (?):

Here is a simple quote: "You should just think about work first, collect much money, and if there is money left after you use it for regular needs and so on, try to invest it. hahaha." – Anonymous

Thank you for reading!

See ya in a longggg time dear readers!#WriterTakeABreak

Best of Luck.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Telemarketing Fraud

Hi readers!
This week’s topic is about telemarketing fraud.
Have you ever heard telemarketing fraud happen to someone you know?
Or have you yourself happened to experience telemarketing fraud?
Or YOU yourself ever done the fraud to someone? (

Well, at its core, Telemarketing Fraud is a pretty simple crime: someone calls the victim, makes a false statement, and the misrepresentation causes the victim to give money to the caller. This definition can cover a large variety of scams. Here is the graphic:

To make it short,,,,, the writer will just write the tips to avoid for this kind of fraud to happen to readers, so,,, first of all, we’ll need to know what kind of signs to be watched out: High-pressure sales techniques that is used by the person who persuades us; Insistence on an immediate action from him/her; She/he offers product/stuff/something that sounds too good to be true; She/he requests for your credit card number for any purpose other than to make a purchase (It’s kind of obvious by then); It is an offer to get your money quickly

 It is a statement that product or service is free, followed by a request that gets you to pay for something; It is claimed as an investment that is “without risk” or “risk-free” (well, there is no investment without a risk except the benefit is very small and takes a lot of years); If there is inability or refusal to provide written information or references about the company, product, service, or investment; and if the suggestions that you should make purchase or investment based on “trust”.

Now, what can we do to avoid being a victim? First of all, we can practice ourselves not to be quick when we make an important decision. Second, we can request written information about organization and product or investment. Third, we have to remind ourselves not to buy anything on terms if we don’t fully understand it yet. Fourth, we can request the name of the federal agency by/with whom the firm is regulated or registered. Fifth, we investigate the company or organization. Sixth, we can ask and find out about refund, return, and cancellation policies. Seventh, we must not believe testimonials which we can’t verify yet. Eighth, we shouldn’t provide any personal financial information at first, and if we must, hang up the phone. So, in conclusion, we need to practice to be cynical sometimes. We kind of need to know that it’s time to leave naivety world alone, if we want to live and do things efficiently and effectively, really (oh, sorry for being so philosophical.)

As always, 
best of luck, readers!

See you on next week's post “Saving and Investment”!!

Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

That Unforgettable Advertisement

Hi dear readers. 
How in the world do you feel this week?
Well, you can answer that question on the comment or send it to my email (Hi!).

      Well well well, this week’s topic is about advertisement. There are quite many so called “technics” for advertising products. The advertisement can be seen as information, status, peer approval, physical attraction to others, hero endorsement, entertainment, intelligence, independent, and unfinished comparison. Beside that Commonly Used Technic, there is also Sales Techniques that advertisement can be seen as guarantees, scarcity, perceptual, contrast, scientific or numerical claims, and negative option. After that, there comes Unethical Technics. They are called “bait and switch”, supermarket specials, exploitation of fears and misgivings, and out-of-context quotations.

      Now, I want to analyze one advertisement that have been living in my head quite long because of its particular characteristic. It is so funny that it gets me remember the advertisement for 5 years. Here are the videos:

Version 1

Version 2

       In that video, there was a vase of someone fell down near a canal. There were 3 guys standing and the first guy tried to reach for the vase, but it was somehow difficult because of the distance from ground they stood; to ground near the canal. Unfortunately, second guy saw a big weaver ant on the hand of first guy, then he tried to slap the ant. Out of surprise, first guy lost his balance and tried to hold on second guy’s long hair. Second guy, who was also about to lose his own balance, tried to hold on third guy’s short pant. LOL. At that very moment, those guys laughed hard at each other and there come a meaningful yet funny words at the end of that ad. It said “Friend can always be the grasp.”

       The technique used in that ad is definitely entertainment. However, no matter how much do I like the ad, I can never buy the product advertised. Why? Because the product is cigarette. I don’t consume those stuff (No offense, I just don’t like the smoke from burning cigarettes, it makes me coughing.) So, yeah, that advertisement, not only that it was pretty funny, but it was also an impressive idea about how to make potential buyers attracted. Oh, how I miss the ad now that it does not there anymore on the TV, long time gone, I guess. Hm, so, how about you readers? Do you also have an advertisement that caught your attention for a long time? Share here for sharing!

Best of Luck!

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

Cars and Loans

Readers, have you ever thought of a dream car?
I myself have one.
One day, I'd love to have a lamborghini. It's pretty much a dream because it costs around $200.000. Based on what I believe, dream will disappoint everyone who don't make effort. I'd love to have a lomborghini. But then, I don't want to make that effort to make lamborghini mine. so, in conclusion, it's pretty much a dream that maybe will disappoint me (?). Who is with me? (Ha!).
Here are some pictures of lamborghini:

Look at that hot car in a hot place at a hot day! wow.

Hi daddy. Um, can I be your daughter?

That wings-like lamborghini's door.
 As if it can transform into robot like in Transformer movie!

How can we have that dream car of ours?
If we are rich enough, we can just go to wherever car dealership, and sign random papers to buy one, with cash. But if we aren't rich enough (or if we are not that reckless), we can choose to buy the dream car by loans.
Loans by itself divided into 2, secured loan and unsecured loan. Secured loan, on one hand, has lower rates, higher borrowing limits, and longer repayment terms than unsecured loan, however you will need to pledge some of your assets to be a collateral. From there, if you are unable to repay the loan after specified time according to agreement, the lender has the right to sell the collateral you have pledged. Examples of secured loans: mortgage, auto loan, boat loan, etc. Unsecured loan, on the other hand, is more risky for the lender because there is no property or asset to recover by default which is why the rate is higher than secured loan. Examples of unsecured loan is credit card, personal loan, student loan, etc.
We can surf the internet to find loan that is the most suitable for us with the lowest APR. Check out this website ( calculator). On that website, we check the APR and the monthly repayment for the secured loan.

What we need to note, is that we should never spend more than 40% of our total income per year for loans. Nothing really, it's just, it is our safe area for loan. Back to the web I mention, it is so convenient, right? The thing is, I need to borrow $200.000 to buy lamborghini. The web can't show the monthly repayment because it is too big and I'll need to sign up for the web and give more detailed information. So, I'll just do it manually. 
To find my total cost of a loan= Amount of loan + (Amount of loan x APR x Number of years)
=$200,000 + ($200,000 x 10% x 10 years) = $240,000 = Rp.,00
To estimate my payment per month = Total loan / Number of months
=$240,000/120=$2000 = Rp. 26.000.000,00
OMG. Okay, anyhow, that's how it works to manually do it. I know lamborghini is expensive. But, the number still shocks me. Alright, see you in the next post!

Best of Luck Readers!